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Philosophy: Research


General Reference - Electronic

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Websites, Preprints, & Publications

Open Access Philosophy Journals


PhilPapers is an online directory of academic philosophy, which aggregates books, articles and papers from newly published journals, web archives, personal pages, and user submissions.  There are currently 204,423 entries in the PhilPapers' database, most of which are protected by copyright, and so only available through subscription, but many which appear nowhere else on the Web (dissertations, unpublished papers, etc.).  In addition to gathering all of these resources together in one place, PhilPapers also provides tools for their categorization and organization and facilitates discussion and communication between philosophers.

Although anyone can browse through the database and search, PhilPapers requires that you create an account to access the more advanced features.  Accounts, which are completely free, allow you to create a to-read list, add items that you find to a bibliography, save searches, and request to have e-mail alerts sent automatically anytime new items are added to searches or listings.  They also provide you with a profile and a screen name, so that you can participate in forum discussions and exchange private messages with other members.

If you are trying to explore a new topic, doing preliminary research, or want to stay up-to-date, PhilPapers can be a great resource, for both undergraduate and graduate students.  It is not, however, a replacement for searching individual databases or the catalog. You will find many links, for example, to GoogleBooks, which help to give you a sense of what books might be useful, but won't give you full access to the books themselves.  Instead of treating it as the only place to look, then, think of it as a useful tool and a great place to start.

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