As of November 2022, the Archives collection is in off-site storage and not currently accessible. Requests for materials cannot be fulfilled at this time.
If you have any items you would like to submit to the Archives, please contact Felician University Library to arrange for the items to be stored in the Lodi Campus Library.
The Felician University Archives serves as the repository for all historically significant documents produced by Felician University.
Vision Statement
The Felician University Archives serves as the final repository for the historical records of Felician University of Lodi, New Jersey. It is the vision of the archives:
to acquire, select, identify, and preserve college records of archival value;
to provide records management services; and
The Felician University Archives pursues the following goals:
It provides and maintains facilities for the retention and preservation of records.
It appraises, accessions, arranges, organizes, describes, and preserves records transferred to its custody while providing access to its holdings in accordance with accepted professional archival principles.
It undertakes to recognize and honor matters of privilege and confidentiality.
It facilitates efficient records management services; and determines administrative, fiscal, legal and historical records preservation needs of archival value.
It serves as a resource and laboratory to stimulate and nourish creative teaching and learning.
It serves research and scholarship by making available and encouraging the use of its collection by members of the college and the community at large.
It develops, maintains and distributes a manual which outlines procedures for offices to meet their responsibilities for records management and preservation.
It cooperates with state and national archival, historical and records management professional organizations on behalf of the college to keep informed on major issues of concern to the profession and participates in networking arrangements to share with qualified and interested researchers.
Even though our collection is off-site, contributions are encouraged.
Staff and faculty can submit files related to departments, committees, clubs, etc as well as publications they have written to the Archives at anytime. Sisters, alumni, and others are also invited to donate items related to the school for possible inclusion-- please contact Felician University Library to arrange for the items to be sent to the Lodi Campus Library for storage.