ENG-102: College Writing and Research II is a research and writing course designed to develop students' ability to locate, evaluate, and incorporate a variety of sources of information into a text of their own.
Students will construct persuasive arguments incorporating their research in a variety of papers and writing assignments including the research paper. Critical reading and analysis of selections of literature (fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction essays) will provide examples of sophisticated strategies of writing to enhance the student's effectiveness in written communication.
These readings will focus on themes and issues that will then serve as the topic of student essays. Refining the research and writing skills developed in ENG-101 will be part of each paper assignment, including the research paper, allowing the student to demonstrate competency in the correct use of APA or MLA citation, the processes of revision and editing, and the correct use of style, grammar and punctuation.
Be sure to consult the MLA Handbook or the online MLA Style Center for detailed standards and procedures.
MLA Style is primarily used to cite sources within the language arts, cultural studies, & other humanities disciplines such as:
The expanded 9th edition of the MLA Style Manual was published April 2021.
Refer to the library events calendar for upcoming workshops or make an appointment with a librarian for one-on-one assistance.