In this work the author, a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his seminal work in psychology that challenged the rational model of judgment and decision making, has brought together his many years of research and thinking in one book. This author's work has transformed cognitive psychology and launched the new fields of behavioral economics and happiness studies. In this book, he takes us on a tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think and the way we make choices.
In this book the author examines the world of prediction, investigating how we can distinguish a true signal from a universe of noisy, ever-increasing data. This is the prediction paradox: the more humility we have about our ability to make predictions, and the more we are willing to learn from our mistakes, the more we can turn information into knowledge and data into foresight. The author examines both successes and failures to determine what more accurate forecasters have in common.
Why decisions fail critiques 15 infamously bad decisions that became public debacles. Including the Firestone tire recall and Quakers failed acquisition of Snapple, the author examines how these mistakes could have been avoided and explains how any organizations decision-making process can be improved to prevent such failures. Paul Nutt began by looking at 400 decisions made by top managers involving such topics as products and services, pricing and markets, personnel policy, technology acquisition, and strategic reorganization. Analyzing how each decision was made, he determined that two out of three decisions were based on failure-prone or questionable tactics. He identifies these key errors and suggests alternatives that have proven successful.
A sophisticated reader ought to view with great skepticism the prospect of answering questions about the long-term future. The checkered history of predicting the future-from the famous declarations that humans would never fly to the Limits to Growth study to claims about the "New Economy"-has dissuaded policymakers from considering the effects of their decisions more than a few months or years ahead. However, today's choices will significantly influence the course of the twenty-first century. New analytic methods, enabled by modern computers, may transform our ability to reason systematically about the long term. This report reviews traditional methods of grappling with the morrow, from narratives to scenario analysis, which fail to address the multiplicity of plausible long-term futures. The authors demonstrate a quantitative approach to long-term policy analysis (LTPA).
Call Number: H61.4 .S54 2013 (Lodi Campus Library); also available as an e-book
ISBN: 9781119145677
Publication Date: 2016-01-20
In this rich, entertaining primer, former Columbia University professor and Predictive Analytics World founder Eric Siegel reveals the power and perils of prediction. Although largely unseen, it drives millions of decisions, determining whom to call, mail, investigate, incarcerate, set up on a date, or medicate. Predictive analytics transcends human perception.
Challenges popular misconceptions about business success, explaining how experts mistakenly assume that money-making companies naturally prioritize strong leadership and clear strategies as well as high profits.
This text argues that in decision-making a focus should be placed on the bottom-line objectives that give it its meaning. It states that through recognizing and articulating fundamental values, better decision opportunities can be identified, thereby creating better alternatives.
In this book, New Yorker columnist Surowiecki explores a deceptively simple idea that has profound implications: large groups of people are smarter than an elite few, no matter how brilliant--better at solving problems, fostering innovation, coming to wise decisions, even predicting the future. This seemingly counterintuitive notion has major ramifications for how businesses operate, how knowledge is advanced, how economies are (or should be) organized and how we live our daily lives.
The book begins with a section delving into foresight analysis, strategic foresight, and scenario planning. It then examines the pressing contexts and most wicked problems facing future leaders ranging from population growth and urbanization to climate change and resource competition. How can leaders create common cause and meet these issues with an eye toward peace, sustainability, and social justice? The book concludes with a series of unique ways of viewing the critical challenges facing leaders and suggests how skillsets and capacities needed to work on solutions to these challenges might be developed.Leadership 2050 helps us think at once about the demands our world is likely to face in the next thirty-five years and the leadership our communities and organizations will need to both survive those challenges and thrive.
An interdisciplinary survey text on leadership theory grounded using critical perspectives Leadership Theory is designed specifically for use in undergraduate or graduate classrooms providing a comprehensive overview of essential theories informing the leadership studies knowledgebase. The text infuses critical perspectives in a developmental manner that guides readers through increasingly complex ways in which theory can be deconstructed and reconstructed to enhance practice and advance social justice. The book uses compelling examples, critically reflective questions, and multiple approaches to concept illustration to cultivate readers' abilities to engage as critical learners. At the heart of this are powerful counter-narratives offering a range of insights on the challenges and rewards of leadership. Narratives represent accomplished leaders from across a broad range of fields including Eboo Patel, Mary Morten, Felice Gorordo, and more. The facilitator's guide and instructor's website supplement this with case studies, sample syllabi, structured dialogues, and learning activities tied to each chapter. Leadership texts tend to limit application of theory to a singular disciplinary context, omit important ways in which research evolves the understanding of theory, and/or lack critical evaluation of theories which diminishes the ability to translate theory to practice. This book provides a much-needed solution to these issues. Learn the nature, origin, and evolution of specific theories Understand and apply leadership theories using critical perspectives Consider the influences of ethics and justice, social location, and globalization The rapid expansion of leadership programs has thrown the dearth of suitable primary texts into sharp relief. Instructors forced to cobble together course materials from multiple piecemeal sources will find their much-needed solution in Leadership Theory.
Advice for leaders in every arena of life on facilitating problem solving, creativity, innovation, and a sense of mutual ownership. The answer to resolving a problem in any relationship is likely found where the power is located. Who are the true leaders, what are their expectations, and how well do they communicate with those they lead? And, how well and candidly do those significant to the leader communicate back? This is where trust, safety and respect play a huge role in how the relationship plays out and either grows, mutually, or is destructive, mutually. Most leaders tend to communicate badly, have unspoken or inflexible expectations towards those they lead and blame others for their own failings. Leadership: Power and Consequences confronts this problem of leadership directly and clearly by using Sy Ogulnick's personally experienced stories. He clearly describes the path leaders must take if they are to personally grow, to understand themselves better, and to contribute to the growth of those they lead. When authentic communication takes place between those in power and those immediately at the effect of this power, trust, safety, and respect are felt by everyone involved. This must be found in the environment or genuine dialogue between them is impossible and will not, even at the point of a gun, take place. And it is the leaders who are primarily responsible for the creation of the environment. Words do not make it so, but action (behavior of the leaders) does.
The Leadership Challenge is the gold-standard manual for effective leadership, grounded in research and written by the premier authorities in the field. With deep insight into the complex interpersonal dynamics of the workplace, this book positions leadership both as a skill to be learned, and as a relationship that must be nurtured to reach its full potential. This new sixth edition has been revised to address current challenges, and includes more international examples and a laser focus on business issues; you'll learn how extraordinary leaders accomplish extraordinary things, and how to develop your leadership skills and style to deliver quality results every time.
The 10 essential skills to transform the way you lead The Leadership Habit provides the framework for patterns of behavior that will transform the way you lead. By articulating a clear, well-defined standard of what it means to be a leader, this book condenses volumes of advice and opinion into 10 key areas and teaches leaders how they can create daily habits surrounding these centers of excellence. Leaders who can commit to creating change will develop more productive teams and will build long-term growth for their organization. This book is your invaluable guide to being one of the greats, with proven advice and a concrete framework for leading well. Through expert discussion and deep dissection of these critical areas, you'll discover how to drive for results, build the best team, execute on vision, foster innovation, and more.
Call Number: BF637.L4.B37 2003 (Lodi Campus Library); also available as an e-book
ISBN: 9780465003983
Publication Date: 2003
Deemed "the dean of leadership guru" by Forbes magazine, Warren Bennis has for years persuasively argued that leaders are not born--they are made. Delving into the qualities that define leadership, the people who exemplify it, and the strategies that anyone can apply to achieve it.
Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until Emotional Intelligence, we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman's brilliant report from the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience offers startling new insight into our "two minds"—the rational and the emotional—and how they together shape our destiny. Through vivid examples, Goleman delineates the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and shows how they determine our success in relationships, work, and even our physical well-being. What emerges is an entirely new way to talk about being smart. The best news is that "emotional literacy" is not fixed early in life. Every parent, every teacher, every business leader, and everyone interested in a more civil society, has a stake in this compelling vision of human possibility.
The Organization Man developed the first thorough description of the impact of mass organization on American society. During the height of the Eisenhower administration, corporations appeared to provide a blissful answer to postwar life with the marketing of new technologies--television, affordable cars, space travel, fast food--and lifestyles, such as carefully planned suburban communities centered around the nuclear family. William H. Whyte found this phenomenon alarming. As an editor for Fortune magazine, Whyte was well placed to observe corporate America; it became clear to him that the American belief in the perfectibility of society was shifting from one of individual initiative to one that could be achieved at the expense of the individual.
The One Minute Manager is a concise, easily read story that reveals three very practical secrets: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Reprimands. The book also presents several studies in medicine and the behavioral sciences that clearly explain why these apparently simple methods work so well with so many people. By the book's end you will know how to apply them to your own situation and enjoy the benefits. That's why The One Minute Manager has continued to appear on business bestseller lists for more than two decades, and has become an international sensation.
In this revolutionary bestseller, innovation expert Clayton M. Christensen says outstanding companies can do everything right and still lose their market leadership--or worse, disappear altogether. And not only does he prove what he says, but he tells others how to avoid a similar fate. Focusing on "disruptive technology," Christensen shows why most companies miss out on new waves of innovation. Whether in electronics or retailing, a successful company with established products will get pushed aside unless managers know when to abandon traditional business practices.
There is an art of American management -- and it works! To discover the secrets of our "native art," Thomas Peters, an alumnus of the management consulting firm of McKinsey & Company who runs his own consulting firm, and Robert Waterman, now a director of McKinsey, studied forty-three successful American companies. Some of these organizations, such as Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble, specialize in consumer goods; some, like IBM and Hewlett-Packard, are in high technology; some, such as Delta Airlines and McDonald's, are in services. Shared by all of them are eight basic principles of management -- action-stimulating, people-oriented, profit-maximizing practices -- that are readily transferable. Here they are, amply illustrated with anecdotes and examples from the experiences of these best-run companies to make them accessible and practical for you to use.
"My Years with General Motors" became an instant bestseller when it was first published in 1963. It has since been used as a manual for managers, offering personal glimpses into the practice of the "discipline of management" by the man who perfected it. This is the story no other businessman could tell--a distillation of half a century of intimate leadership experience with a giant industry and an inside look at dramatic events and creative business management. Only a handful of business books have reached the status of a classic, having withstood the test of over fifty years' time. Even today, Bill Gates praises My Years with General Motors as the best book to read on business, and Business Week has named it the number one choice for its "bookshelf of indispensable reading."
Based on workers' accounts of real events that have made them feel good or bad on the job, the findings of Herzberg and his colleagues have stimulated research and controversy that continue to the present day. The authors surprisingly found that while a poor work environment generated discontent, improved conditions seldom brought about improved attitudes. Instead, satisfaction came most often from factors intrinsic to work: achievements, job recognition, and work that was challenging, interesting, and responsible.
The classic (and irreverent) bestselling guide to creating great advertising Hey Whipple, Squeeze This has inspired a generation of ad students, copywriters, and young creatives to make their mark in the industry. But students need new guidance to ply their craft now in the digital world. This new fourth edition explains how to bring brand stories into interactive, dynamic places online, in addition to traditional television, radio, print, and outdoor ads. Creativity is still king, but this new edition contains: Important new chapters and updates that bring Whipple into the new digital world New content and examples for how to use social media and other emerging platforms Illustrate what's changing in the new world of advertising-and what isn't Hey Whipple, Squeeze This! will help sharpen your writing chops, unleash your creativity, and help raise the level of your work from hack to master craftsman.
No passion, no conversation. No conversation, no word of mouth. No word of mouth, no successful business. If you think you are in the marketing business, think again. You're in the people business, and The Passion Conversation teaches you how to get people to fall passionately and madly in love with your organization or cause. The author's mash-up of the latest in wonky academic research with practical, real-world stories shows how any business can spark and sustain word of mouth marketing.
In The Power of Habit, business reporter Charles Duhigg takes us to the edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. Along the way we learn why some people and companies struggle to change, despite years of trying, while others seem to remake themselves overnight. At its core, The Power of Habit contains one argument: The key to exercising regularly, losing weight, raising exceptional children, becoming more productive, building revolutionary companies and social movements, and achieving success is understanding how habits work.
In this astounding book, behavioural economist Dan Ariely cuts to the heart of our strange behaviour, demonstrating how irrationality often supplants rational thought and that the reason for this is embedded in the very structure of our minds. Predicatably Irrational brilliantly blends everyday experiences with a series of illuminating and often surprising experiments, that will change your understanding of human behaviour. And, by recognising these patterns, Ariely shows that we can make better decisions in business, in matters of collective welfare, and in our everyday lives.
In this revolutionary bestseller, innovation expert Clayton M. Christensen says outstanding companies can do everything right and still lose their market leadership--or worse, disappear altogether. And not only does he prove what he says, but he tells others how to avoid a similar fate. Focusing on "disruptive technology," Christensen shows why most companies miss out on new waves of innovation. Whether in electronics or retailing, a successful company with established products will get pushed aside unless managers know when to abandon traditional business practices.
In a book that challenges everything you thought you knew about the requirements for strategic success, Kim and Mauborgne argue that cutthroat competition results in nothing but a bloody red ocean of rivals fighting over a shrinking profit pool. Based on a study of 150 strategic moves spanning more than a hundred years and 30 industries, the authors argue that lasting success comes not from battling competitors, but from creating "blue oceans"--Untapped new market spaces ripe for growth. Such strategic moves--which the authors call "value innovation"--create powerful leaps in value that often render rivals obsolete for more than a decade. Blue Ocean Strategy presents a systematic approach to making the competition irrelevant.