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Chicago Manual of Style: Format

Chicago Manual of Style Formatting

When writing a paper, you should follow all of your professor's instructions regarding presentation. 

These instructions may include specific requirements for the first page of the paper, page labels and section headings

And unless you are informed otherwise by your professor, you should Format Your Paper in Chicago Style per the following rules:

  • Double-spaced text
  • 12 pt. Times New Roman font
  • 1" margins top, bottom, left, right
  • One space after periods and other punctuation marks
  • Indent first line of each paragraph by 1/2"

Chicago Manual of Style Templates

To help with the formatting of a Chicago Manual of Style paper, the Felician University Libraris have provided two templates available for download: one for the Notes and Bibliography Style, one for the Author-Date Style. Please refer to your professor's instructions for which to style to use. 

We have also provided sample papers of the two styles. 

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