If you have a very specific type of resource you wish to use but it is not covered by this guide or the Quick Guide and you do not have time to find it in the manual or ask a librarian, your next best bet is to Google the answer.
Go to Google. In the search box "how to cite [insert the resource you want to cite] in Chicago Manual of Style" and hit enter.
Look for results that come from other libraries. This will be in the form of "libguides.com" or the school's website ".edu/libguides" or any link that has the word "libraries" in it.
Why is this a better tip than searching through BibMe or EasyBib or other citation generators? These sites are published by other libraries, by librarians who make it their job to know how to cite correctly in Chicago. These are wonderful resources and are ones that you can trust.
Remember, citation generators are good for when you are compiling a lot of research but the formatting may not always be correct. Be sure to double- and triple-check the citations to make sure that the formatting is correct!