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Psychological Tests & Measures : Finding Tests & Measures


A one-of-a-kind resource for measurement and instrumentation tools.

Professionally indexed, the APA PsycTests® database is an extensive collection of items associated with psychological measures, scales, surveys, and other instruments essential to the research needs of professionals, students, and educators across the behavioral and social sciences.

Focused on a collection of instrumentation tools developed for research but not made commercially available, APA PsycTests helps researchers easily find scales and measures for their own use. 

Key benefits of APA PsycTests

  • Helps researchers avoid "reinventing the wheel" by exposing thousands of research instruments and their psychometric properties
  • An ideal starting point for researchers initiating new research projects, with the availability of multiple measures, research instruments, and test types in a variety of subject areas
  • Indexes a wide variety of measurement instruments for use by professionals and academics across multiple disciplines and fields of study

About PsycTESTS

Database Type Bibliographic, plus full text and multimedia. (approximately 50% of test records contain the actual test or test items.)
Record Types

Descriptive summaries of the test and its development and administration, mostly drawn from articles in peer-reviewed journals or books, with downloadable tests.

The Master Test Profile summarizes the test and provides purpose and construct; records for development, review, or use provide additional details.

Record Format HTML, PDF, some multimedia and computer software
Sources for Tests
  • Directly from authors
  • Peer reviewed journals
  • Books and handbooks
  • Dissertations
  • Websites
  • The Archives of the History of American Psychology Test Collection
  • Commercial test publishers (descriptive information only)
Additional Information In addition to information on number of items, test format, administration method, and so on, 518 records contain Supporting Documentation, such as answer sheets, instructions, guides, check lists, or record sheets.
Permissions A permissions field alerts users to the tests they can use for research or teaching without formal permission. Other options include contacting the author and/or the publisher. The majority of tests in the database can be used without formal permission.
Update Frequency Updated Monthly
Coverage Dates 1896 to present. 79% are from 2000 and later; 89% are from 1990 and later.
Content Coverage

A diverse array of subject areas and types of tests.


  • Developmental Measures
  • Scales for Beliefs, Relationships, or Expectancies
  • Aggression, Coping, or Functional Status Questionnaires
  • Racial and Ethnic Identity Scales
  • Resilience, Anger Response, or Substance Abuse Inventories
  • Physical Health Related Assessments
  • Personality Assessments
  • Educational Measures
  • Neuropsychological Assessments
  • Aptitude and Achievement Measures
  • Competency Measures
  • Occupational Measures
  • Intelligence Tests
  • Military Tests

Access to Psychological Tests

Access to Psychological Tests

  • Please note that full access (the measurement + scoring key and/or manual) to most clinical Psychological measures is not available to student researchers. Access to clinical tests is often restricted to Registered Psychologists only (those with a PhD in Psychology), to the clinical Psychology graduate students they supervise, and other professionals in health and counseling fields. Restricting access to tests helps ensure the validity of tests, including their persuasiveness when reported upon in a legal context, and reduces false diagnoses and misapplications by non-professionals.
  • In addition, there are also often publisher-imposed copyright and licensing restrictions (e.g., prohibitions on reproducing tests) which further restrict access.
  • Commercial psychological tests/measures require a fee to access them, and some (particularly in Business) may be prohibitively expensive for students. You will also likely require professional credentials to access them. However, library resources provide helpful descriptive and evaluative information about commercial tests.
  • Unpublished/non-commercial tests are free to access, but you may require permission from the test creator(s) to use or obtain the test, and access may be restricted, depending on your credentials.
  • Information about both commercial and unpublished and psychological tests is amply available, including journal articles that discuss the application and scoring of a particular test. In many cases, you may be able to track down the test or measure itself of unpublished tests, but without the scoring key or manual. And indeed there still exists a selection of tests with scoring keys that are available to general researchers.

More Places to Find Tests & Measures

Type "appended" in one of the search boxes and select TM Tests & Measures from the drop-down menu to the right of the search box.

This will narrow your search to articles with tests appended.
Use additional search boxes to add keywords.
Also try using your keywords to find related studies – what tests/measurements did they use?

Access under Teacher Education heading in Database Listing by Subject.
Type "tests/questionnaires" in the search box.
Select PU Publication Type from the drop-down menu.
Add keywords via additional search boxes in advanced search.

Accessing under Nursing & Allied Health heading
Enter an instrument name in the search box and select IN Instrumentation from drop-down menu for articles that used a particular test


  • Tests may be included as appendices to dissertations