PsycTESTS serves as a repository for the full text (when available) of psychological tests and measures as well as a source of structured information about tests of relevance to the following subjects:
Users can search by author, journal title, test name, keyword, and a variety of other fields.
Users can also limit the search to a variety of specifications:
Search by Keyword
Search by Title
Once you have set up and run your search, PsycTESTS generates a list of items that best matches your search criteria.
The Results List provides the basic information for each test including:
When you click on the Title of a Test you will be taken to the Full Record for that item.
In the Full Record, you find the following information:
When the Full Text of a Test is available, you will see the PDF Full Text icon under the citation in the results list, click to access the test.
The first page provides you with some information about the test as well as the original citation for the instrument.
The remaining pages contain the actual test.